Learn to Dance!
With our versatile staff, we are able to offer a variety of workshops in West Coast Swing as well as a selection of workshops in complementary dance styles.
If you have been looking for a chance to check out new dance styles – or add to or refresh your knowledge of dance styles other than WCS – Carolina Summer Swing is the place for you to do so!
Complete details are available on the event schedule and accompanying highlights write-up.
Information for these activities will be updated as we finalize plans for 2025.
In addition, announcements will be made on our
Carolina Summer Swing 2025 Facebook Event Page.
Consistent with our commitment to “growing everyone’s dance”, we will once again offer a series of welcome activities for newcomers. Designed to cover and teach the foundational aspects and building blocks of WCS, it also includes sessions focused on creating socialization and interaction between newcomers with both experienced dancers and Staff members.
• The “Grow Your Dance Session”: This unique two-hour session, now part of the Newcomer Welcome Activities, is included as part of your weekend pass. Newcomer and Beginner level dancers are invited to come and interact in small group settings with select staff, All-Star dancers and recognized community instructors, in an effort to help answer questions, provide insights, learn new things, and foster the development of everyone’s level of dance.
Leveled Competitor Prep
Review Sessions
Schedule permitting, we hope to include Leveled Comp Prep & Review sessions as part of the weekend activities, similar to these which we have had at our other events. Stay tuned.
The Prep Sessions are focused on helping people fine tune things in getting ready to compete over the weekend … and, are also a great way to find a Strictly Swing partner if you might be interested in doing so.
The Review Sessions offer an opportunity for informal interaction with some of the Staff who judged the various contests over the weekend.
Details for all these special workshops are available in the Schedule link and accompanying write-ups.
Schedule permitting, we hope to be able to offer some specialty classes as part of the weekend activities, similar to these which we have had at our other events. TBD
Sessions - TBA
Our Add-On Sessions provide opportunities for focused coaching from some phenomenal instructors!
Other Special Sessions include:
• “10-for-$10’s”: Sign-up for a “quick tune-up” with many instructors from our staff. For only $10, you get 10 minutes of one-on-one time with a staff member to work on 1 or 2 things that can help better your dancing, address something you have been struggling with, or just fine-tune an aspect of your dancing.
We are working to finalize plans for the 10-for-$10’s, and will update this information ASAP.
Our add-on intensives provide focused coaching on a specific topic/technique/skill set from some phenomenal instructors.
**Separate pricing applies.
Saturday, Feb 03, 2024**
9:00 – 11:30 am
$55 (Pre-Registration)
$75 (At the Event)
This 2.5 hour intensive is open to both leaders and followers of all levels. Robert is working on developing a new and unique session for CWF’24 built upon foundational aspects and concepts from his Royston Method, Sunday Science, & Fittest Over 50 material – all built upon his depth of experiences and studies. It’s sure to be an amazing learning and developmental opportunity!
MOVEMENT JENERATION: HIP-HOP Friday, Feb 02, 2024** 4:00 – 6:00 pm | MOVEMENT JENERATION: REGGAETON Sunday, Feb 04, 2024** 10:00am – 12:00 pm |
Take EITHER ONE of the Hip-Hop or Reggaeton sessions: $35 each (Pre-Registration) $45 (At the Event) |
OR |
Take BOTH the Hip-Hop & Reggaeton sessions: $50 (Pre-Registration) $70 (At the Event) |
Jen brings two separate 2-hour sessions to the weekend.
In the HIP-HOP session, she will be focusing on experimenting with and learning how to incorporate the influence and movements of Hip-Hop styling seamlessly into your WCS in fun and creative ways!
In the REGGAETON session, the focus shifts to experimenting with and learning how to incorporate the influence and movements of Reggaeton styling seamlessly into your WCS in fun and creative ways!
DJ Intensive: Music Sets
Social vs. Competition
Full Intensive is 3 Hours, broken into 2 sessions. BOTH session are included in the fee.
For 2024**
Friday – 6:00 – 7:30 pm (1.5 hours)
– AND –
Saturday – 6:00 – 7:30 pm (1.5 hours)
Ruby and Josh will be bringing their extensive knowledge to bear as they cover topics such as: Evaluating Music, and how to build sets for Social Dancing versus Competitions. There will also be time for some Q&A. If you are already working as a DJ for your local community, at events, just starting your journey, or want to better understand some aspects of the critical role that DJs play in our dance community …… this is an opportunity you do not want to miss!
$50 (Pre-Registration)
$75 (At the Event)
Dancing to Blues Music
Saturday (9/9/23)
90 minutes @ 11:00am – 12:30 pm
Space will be limited
WCS Legends Patty Vo & John Festa will cover concepts and material focused on footwork & styling in dancing to Blues music.
Open to all levels of dancers.
$25 Individual Pre-Registration.
$40 Couple Pre-Registration.
$30 Individual (On-Site)
$50 Couple (On-Site)