It Takes
A Village...
Our very own Carolina community is rich with amazing talented dancers who come together to make our events memorable!
Carolina Summer Swing proudly features local “Carolina-based” and “Regional” Team members, and a select group of fan-favorite guest staff members from across the US!
Our Deejays play the very best competition, bumper and social dancing music — all weekend long.
And the Emcees entertain and keep attendees informed throughout the entire event!
We are actively working to finalize and confirm our CSS’25 Staff. Check back for updates!
Instructional, Competition, Emcee & Judging Staff
Our “Carolina-based” Team
Patty Vo * Michael Kiehm * Debbie Ramsey-Boz * Robin Smith * Jason Barnes
Malia Jameson * Jason & Annmarie Marker * Michael Kielbasa * Ryan Boz
Nicole Zwerlein * Stephanie Risser * Sharole Lashe-Negrete * Debbie Tuttle-Steffanina
Ryan Pflumm & Alaina Rogozhin * Scott Campbell (Shag) * Jenna Shimek
And Special Invited Guests including…
We are currently working to finalize others with ties to the Carolinas – and, will update this Section as we confirm these Staff members!
Robert Cordoba * Hailey Toro * Jerome Subey * PJ Turner * Bonnie Cannon * Gary Jobst
Erica Smith * Jeff Mumford * Alyssa Lundgren * Lara Deni * Bryan Jordan * Kay Newhouse
Alan Annicella * Sheven Kekoolani * Jennifer Norris & Derek Leyva * Steve Wilder * Reginald Beason
We are excited to be bringing in fan-favorites from both near and far to Carolina Summer Swing this year!
This talented team allows us to ensure you will have great music to dance to for your competitions …. as well as for Social Dancing in both the Primary and Secondary Rooms all weekend long!
Confirmed so far, we have:
Ruby Lair * Josh Angel * Jasson Phillips * Ron Glickman
Additional DJs to be announced soon! Stay tuned!

Event Management Team
Competition, Scoring & Contest Management Team
Doug Rousar (Chief Judge) * Alex Brand (Scorer)
Vivian Glucksman-Weiss (Competition Coordinator) * TBA (Contest Managers)
Registration, Front Desk & Attendee Support
Tammy Davis * Britni Weaver * Betty Garlington * Jackie Cohen * Allison Bennett
Media Team
Ivana Woodcock * Kathy Kroll Romana * More TBA
Event Directors
Rick Dauss (Executive Event Director)
Cindy Dauss (Co-Event Director & “Rick’s Boss”)
Carolina Summer Swing is a production of Carolina Westie Productions (CWP), LLC
Operations Support
and More!
Stay tuned for updates to this page as additional staff and support are confirmed.